hivern a mallorca

Mallorca seems more authentic when the summer ends. The island is transformed, shows its intimacy. Cold days are not so cold thanks to the "foguerons", to the races before the devil or to the applause with which we thank the dance of the cossiers. The Mallorcan winter is tradition, myth, generous nature, time of slaughter, scenery with imposing, clear and clean skies or covered with dramatic clouds. Perhaps it rains, the countryside revives, it is time to harvest the olives, to cultivate, to take care of the trees, the birth of the little lambs, the most genuine indigenous cuisine, delicious. Some summit is covered with snow. In a raft the water turns into brittle ice. The sea becomes self-absorbed ... Here are the arguments of this book.
Edit: Disset Edició, year: 2.020
Texts: Miquel Rayó, Joan Mayol, Caterina Valriu, Climent Picornell, Gabriel Janer Manila.
Photographs: Sebastià Torrens.
Language: catalan
Price: 20 euros